With our safety experts having best experience and technology power in Korea, we are implementing safety supervision of tower crane and construction lift at construction sites, safety inspection following self-examination program, safety checking of construction machinery and safety training for equipment handling personnel (operator, signal man, etc.)
Safety supervision during installation, dismantlement and extension work for tower crane, unmanned tower crane, steel tower crane and crawler crane
Safety supervision during installation, dismantlement and extension work for all the lifts used at construction sites
Tower crane, Overhead traveling crane, Gantry crane, Lift for construction work, etc.
6 months for Crane, 3 months for Lift
Construction machinery and equipment used at construction sites such as Tower crane, Mobile crane, Construction lift, Pile driver, Tower wagon, Excavator, Fork lift, etc.
Technology safety training for tower crane operator, signal man, worker in charge of installing & dismantling tower crane and construction lift, construction site supervisor, etc.