Caisson Equipment Rental

Recognized for domestic construction equipment operation technology, we are promoting construction that is applied to construction equipment.
Based on the best operating technology and quality safety, we are playing a pivotal role in the construction field based on outstanding technology for special and assembly equipment.


  • Caisson manufacturing equipment rental business
    • Rental of manufacturing facilities for caisson, a large concrete structure used for breakwater and berthing facilities during port construction

      - Ulsan New Port Southern Breakwater Section 2-2 Construction Rental Project (34 14,000 ton class caisson)

    • Main support work

      - Optimal steel structure design and delivery

      - Supplied verified hydraulic system to American Register of Shipping (ABS)

      - Providing complete maintenance/maintenance service

    Business inquiry Maritime business team
  • caisson manufacturing equipment
    • CPE (Caisson Production Equipments) is a core process for caisson production and consists of SLJ (Slipform Lifting Jack), CSJ (Caisson Skidding Jack), Grantry House & Slipform.

    • SLJ (Slipform Lifting Jack)

      - Hydraulic device to vertically elevate and lower the entire slipform installed in the Grantry House

    • CSJ (Caisson Skidding Jack)

      - Hydraulic device for vertically raising and horizontally moving the bottom plate or caisson

    Business inquiry Maritime business team