What’s the advantage if I go through Safety self-examination?

WRITEDATE 2021.05.28 15:42 HIT 1989

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1. Securing safety for inspection facility

(Prevent incidental failure accident by reducing frequency of inspection cycle for facility)

2. Tracking management for securing safety of inspection facility is easy

(Secure safety of facility by history management such as regular replacement of expendable parts of facility)

3. (Resolve anxiety factor over the inspection by reducing failure factor that may be encountered during safety inspection)

4. Enhance operation rate of facility by prompt response when urgent or abnormal situation occurs

5. Cost saving effect following the supply of internal safety inspection personnel inside worksite and purchase of equipment internally

6. Providing advice and convenience regarding safety inspection for worksite person involved at safety management task

7. Effect of easing burden for worksite about reserving and administering of inspection facility

(Establishment of systematic management system like identifying problems after inspection, solution suggestion and provision of maintenance task)